News Story
Fall 2019 Consortium "Best Student Presentation" Announced

Dr. Radermacher (right) presented Ellery Klein (left) the award for "Best Student Presentation" at the Consortium student luncheon and feedback session held at Potomac Pizza the week following the consortium meeting.
Ph.D. student Ellery Klein won the Best Student Presentation Award for his project, “Next Generation Heat Exchanger” at the CEEE Fall 2019 Consortium meetings. The award was announced at the consortium student luncheon and feedback session held the week after the meeting. Klein received a made-in-Maryland engraved pewter tankard and certificate as recognition for his achievement.
CEEE students gave 17 presentations, providing research updates to sponsors from about 30 world-wide companies. Sponsors provided feedback and voted for whom they believed to be the best presenter among CEEE.
“All students worked hard to present their current research work during the fall consortium meetings and I am very much appreciative to all students for contributing to the engineering world,” said CEEE Co-director Yunho Hwang. “Ellery is an excellent researcher in challenging to his research tasks and realizing solutions physically through hard work. We are very fortunate to have him on our team and I am very proud of him.”
Many sponsors chose Klein, citing his excellent engagement with the audience and confidence with his topic. They were also impressed with the progress made on the project since the Spring 2019 consortium meetings held in March.
I have gained much knowledge and skills from my fellow peers and professors during my time here and truly have them to thank for the opportunity to participate and thrive at the CEEE Consortium.
Ellery Klein
"I have gained much knowledge and skills from my fellow peers and professors during my time here and truly have them to thank for the opportunity to participate and thrive at the CEEE Consortium," Klein said of his achievement.
The Center for Environmental Energy Engineering's consortium meetings are held semi-annually and feature research presentations to sponsors by our students and faculty, feedback sessions, lab tours and networking events. The fall sessions were held September 16 through 18 at the UMUC College Park Marriott Inn and Conference Center. Nearly 90 people attended in person and online from countries throughout the world. Attending sponsors provide valuable feedback to students on their presentations and select the best presentation at each consortium meeting.
The next consortium meeting will be held from March 9 - 11, 2019 in College Park. Registration will be open in December. Go online to
The Center for Environmental Energy Engineering provides innovative solutions to industry's research and development challenges and cost-effective, timely technology transfer. CEEE has developed a highly flexible and task-oriented consortium structure that emphasizes pre-competitive research. Sponsors include industrial companies and government agencies that pool research funds leveraged by additional support from the University of Maryland.
Published October 17, 2019