If you are interested in joining, please contact us

AHXPI: Dr. Michael Ohadi

EEHP: Dr. Yunho Hwang

MOC: Dr. Vikrant Aute

Please consider joining our ever-growing list of consortium members and enjoy all the benefits membership has to offer:

1. Consortium Membership and Benefits

A company joins a consortium of its choice by pledging an annual contribution to the research effort in the amount set for that particular consortium. 

The research consortia are administered by the University of Maryland Foundation.

Each organization that contributes funds to a consortium is a Consortium Sponsor. Research projects within a consortium are those that are jointly funded and agreed upon by the sponsors. Examples of such projects are shown on the individual consortium web pages. Each sponsor assigns up to two employees as main contacts and votes for the purpose of selecting research projects within the consortium. We meet twice a year with our Sponsors to present research results and to discuss and select subsequent projects.

Membership Benefits are:

  • Influence on research direction
  • Immediate access to research results
  • Semi-annual reports available to sponsors only
  • Software developed as part of the consortium effort is available to sponsor for in-house use
  • Highly leveraged research support
  • First access to CEEE graduates
  • 50 percent discount for CEEE workshops
  • Exchange of scientists and engineers

2. Access to CEEE Reports

A company joining an existing consortium may be entitled to purchase previous semi-annual reports at a fee set by the consortium director in coordination with the advisory board.  These funds are used to further the research in this consortium.

3. Publications

Publications resulting from consortium research will be submitted to the sponsors for review and comment according to University policies.  Sponsors have the right to suggest changes to the publications to protect their competitive position. No information will be published that is proprietary to any consortium sponsor and was made available to CEEE under a separate Confidential Disclosure Agreement.