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- Alam, T. Righetti, G., Bacellar, D., Aute, V., & Mancin, S. (2022). "Development and Validation Of Resistance-Capacitance Model (RCM) For Phase Change Material (PCM) Embedded In 3D Periodic Structures." 19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, July 11-14, 2022.
- Alam, T. Bacellar, D., Ling, J., & Aute, V. (2022). “Development and Validation of Resistance-Capacitance Model for Phase Change Material Embedded in Porous Media.” 21st IEEE ITHERM Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, June 1-4, 2022.
- Bacellar, D., Tsikata, S., & Radermacher, R. (2022). "Carnot-Equivalent Air Cycle Heat Pump Leveraging Isentropic and Isothermal Compression and Expansion Principles – A Theoretical Analysis." 19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, July 11-14, 2022.
- Yang, J., Muehlbauer, J., Bacellar, D., Ling, J., Aute, V., & Hwang, Y. (2022). "Experimental Investigation of a Phase Change Material Charged Finned-Tube Heat Exchanger." 19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, July 11-14, 2022.
- Chen, D., Riaz, A., Aute, V., & Radermacher, R. (2022). "A solid–liquid model based on lattice Boltzmann method for phase change material melting with porous media in cylindrical heat exchangers." Applied Thermal Engineering, 207, 118080.
- Subbappa, R., Aute, V., & Ling, J. "Development and comparative evaluation of machine learning algorithms for performance approximation of air-to-refrigerant heat exchangers." 17th UK Heat Transfer Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom, April 4-6, 2022.
- Tancabel, J., Ling, J., & Aute, V. (2022). “Optimization of Novel Air‐to‐Refrigerant Heat Exchangers for Lower‐GWP Refrigerants in Air‐Conditioning Systems”. 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress (CLIMA 2022). Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May 22-25, 2022.
- Tancabel, J., Ling, J., & Aute, V. (2022). “Investigation of Shape Optimized Non-Round Tubes for CO2 Gas Coolers.” 15th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants (GL 2022). Trondheim, Norway, June 13-15, 2022.
- Tancabel, J., Ling, J., & Aute, V. (2022). “Aeroacoustics Noise Characterization of Shape-Optimized Non-Round Tube Bundles in Cross-Flow Configuration.” 19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, July 11-14, 2022.
- Gao, L., Y. Hwang, R. Radermacher, ‘A review of configuration optimization for energy conversion systems’, 24th Conference on Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES21, Paper ID: 0362, Hybrid, Brono, Czech Republic, March 10-11, 2021
- Qiao, Y., Cao, T., Hwang, Y., Aute, V., “Investigation on Phase Change Material (PCM)-to-refrigerant Heat Exchanger in Air-conditioning Systems”, 18th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, May 23-27, 2021
- Wan, H., Cao, T., Hwang, Y., Chin, S., “Development of Dynamic Modeling Framework Using Convolution Neuron Network for Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems”, 18th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, May 23-27, 2021
- Mei, Z., Cao,T., Hwang,Y., “1D Design and Optimization of a Micro-Centrifugal Compressor Design for Air Conditioning Applications”, 25th International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, May 23-27, 2021
- Kim, GS., Cao, T., Hwang, Y., “Review of Humidity Effects on Humid Air-Water Condensation by a Cooling Surface for Atmospheric Water Harvesting”, 18th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, May 23-27, 2021
- Tancabel, J., Aute, V., Ling, J., & Radermacher, R., “Design Optimization of A-Type Heat Exchangers Based on High Performance, Non-Round Tubes,” 18th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. May 24-28, 2021.
- Klein, E., Muehlbauer, J., Ling, J., Shabtay, Y., Aute, V., Hwang Y., and Tancabel, J. "Experimental Study of a Novel Shape-Optimized Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Exchanger under Evaporator Conditions," 18th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, May 24-28, 2021.
- Tancabel, J., Gerstler, W., Erno, D., Ling, J. Aute, V., de Bock, H.P.J., & Radermacher, R. “CFD-based Analysis & Correlation Development for a Novel Multi-furcating Heat Exchanger for High Temperature, High Pressure Applications'', 18th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. May 24-28, 2021.
- Bacellar, D., Alam, T., Ling, J., Aute, V., . ‘A Study on Computational Cost Reduction of Simulations of Phase-Change Material (PCM) Embedded Heat Exchangers’, 18th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, May 24-28, 2021
- Zhang, M., Geoghegan, P., Ling, J., Aute, V., Tancabel, J., and Shabtay, Y. "Stress and Fatigue Analysis of High-Performance Heat Exchangers," 18th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, May 24-28, 2021.
- Alam, T., Bacellar, D., Ling, J., Aute, V., ‘Numerical study and Experimental Validation of melting and solidification in PCM embedded heat exchangers with straight and helical tubes’, 18th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, May 24-28, 2021
- Bacellar, D., Alam, T., Ling, J., Aute, V., ‘Automated Parameterized CFD Simulations of Phase-Change Material Embedded Heat Exchangers’, ITherm 2021 - The Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, June 1 - June 4, 2021
- Catalini, D., Qian, S., Hwang, Y., Reinhard RADERMACHER, Ichiro TAKEUCHI, ‘A dynamic active elastocaloric regenerator’, THERMAGIX 2021, College Park Maryland/USA/Virtual, June 7-11, 2021
- Hou, H., Simsek, E., Ma,T., Cisse, C., Johnson, N., Qian, S., Stasak, D., Al Hasan, N., Zhou, L., Hwang, Y., Radermacher, R., Levitas, V., Kramer, M., Asle Zaeem,M., Stebner, A., Ott, R., Cui, J., Ichiro Takeuchi, ‘Fatigue-resistant high-performance elastocaloric materials via additive manufacturing‘, THERMAGIX 2021, College Park Maryland/USA/Virtual, June 7-11, 2021
- Emaikwu, N., Hwang, Y., Takeuchi, I., Radermacher, R., ‘Active Elastocaloric Regenerator with Staggered Tube Bank Configuration: An Experimental Investigation’, THERMAGIX 2021, College Park Maryland/USA/Virtual, June 7-11, 2021
- Tancabel, J., Aute, V., Klein, E., Hwang, Y., Ling, J., Muehlbauer, J., Radermacher, R., ‘Design Optimization and Experimental Validation of Heat Exchangers Utilizing High Performance, Non-round Tubes’, Heat Transfer Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Conference (ATE HEFAT 2021), Pages 614-619, Virtual, 22-28 July 2021
- Lee, C., T. Cao., Y. Hwang, S. Shaffer, ‘Development of Accurate and Widely Applicable Compressor Performance Map’, 12th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems, Paper ID: 156, Virtual, September 6-8, 2021.
- Alam, Tanjebul; Bacellar, Daniel; Ling, Jiazhen; Aute, Vikrant. Effect of thermal expansion coefficient, viscosity and melting range in simulation of PCM embedded heat exchangers with and without fins. Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - IMECE2021, November 1-5, 2021
- Radermacher, R., Emerging Priorities from the New ASHRAE Research Strategic Plan, 2020 ASHRAE Virtual Conference, July 2020
- Baxter, V., Abuheiba, A., Radermacher, R., Payne, V., Dougherty, B., Ling, J., Srebric, J., Technology Development and Field Monitoring in nZEB-US Country report, IEA HPT Annex 49 Task 3, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA/Virtual, July 2020
- Baxter, V., Radermacher, R., IEA/HPT Annex 53 Advanced Cooling/Refrigeration Technologies Development–Task 1 Report, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), United States/Virtual, July 2020
- Tancabel, J., Aute, V., & Ling, J. “Optimization of R290 Heat Exchangers utilizing High Performance, Non-round Tubes,” 14th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants, Kyoto, Japan. December 6-9, 2020.
- Gao, L., Y. Hwang*, G.S. Kim, Thermoeconomic Analysis of A Solar MVC Desalination System, IMECE2018-86212, The ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2018, November 9-15, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
- Gao, L., Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, A Review of Microgrid Energy Systems, 7th International Building Physics Conference, Sep 23-26, 2018, Syracuse, NY.
- Gao, L., Y. Hwang*, A Review of Optimization Technologies Adopted in Combined Cooling Heating and Power System, Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2018, Paper No. 0449, 133-138, Aug. 26-29, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Baker, J., Y. Tao, Y. Hwang*, C. Wang, Design of Gas Channels for a Carbon Dioxide Electrochemical Compressor, 23rd International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue Paper No. 1479, July 9-12, 2018.
- Klein, E., J. Ling, V. Aute, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, A Review of Recent Advances of Additively Manufactured Heat Exchangers, 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 2478, July 9-12, 2018.
- Wan, H., Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, S. Oh, Review of Electronic Expansion Valve Correlations for Heat Pump and Air Conditioning Systems, 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 2480, July 9-12, 2018.
- Su, W., Y. Hwang*, L. Zhao, Geometric Effects on Phase Separation of Refrigerant at Horizontal Branching T-junction, 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 2481, July 9-12, 2018.
- Qiao, Y., A. Mallow, J. Muehlbauer, Y. Hwang*, J. Ling, V. Aute, R. Radermacher, Experimental Study on Portable Air-Conditioning System with Enhanced PCM Condenser, 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 2483, July 9-12, 2018.
- Mei, Z., Y. Hwang*, J. Kim, Transient Simulation of Secondary Loop Mobile Air Conditioning Systems, 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 2484, July 9-12, 2018.
- Huang, Z., R., Huang, J. Ling, V. Aute, Y. Hwang*, Applicability of A Bifurcated Bare-tube Heat Exchanger in Water-based Hybrid VRF System, 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 2518, July 9-12, 2018.
- Dhumane, R., T. Qiu, J. Ling, V. Aute*, Y. Hwang, R. Radermacher, A. Kirkwood, J. Esformes, Evaluating Recharge Options for Phase Change Material Storage of a Personal Conditioning System, 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 2544, July 9-12, 2018.
- Nasuta, D.*, S. Li, Y. Hwang*, C. Martin, Experimental Validation of CFD-Based Correlations for 5 mm Louver- and Slit-Fin Heat Exchangers: Lessons Learned, 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 2582, July 9-12, 2018.
- Chen, Q*, J. Yu, G. Yan, Y. Hwang*, Theoretical Study on A Modified Subcooling Vapor-compression Refrigeration Cycle Using Hydrocarbon Mixture R290/R600a, 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 2720, July 9-12, 2018.
- Dhumane, R., Y. Qiao, J. Muehlbauer, J. Ling, V. Aute*, Y. Hwang, Evaluating Recharge Options for Phase Change Material Storage of a Personal Conditioning System, 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 3534, July 9-12, 2018.
- Ye Tao, Yunho Hwang*, Reinhard Radermacher, Chunsheng Wang, Electrochemical Compressor for Carbon Dioxide, The 13th Gustav Lorentzen Natural Working Fluids Conference, Valencia, Spain, Paper ID 1108, June 16-20, 2018.
- Zhiwei Huang, Jiazhen Ling, Yunho Hwang*, Reinhard Radermacher, Airside Thermal and Hydraulic Performance of a Bare Tube Heat Exchanger with Diameter of 0.8 Mm under Dehumidifying Conditions (CH-18-C032), ASHRAE 2018 Winter Conference, Chicago, Jan. 2018.
- Rang Tu, Yunho Hwang, Performances of Heat Pump Driven Two-stage Desiccant Plates Dehumidifier for Residential Application in Humid Climate, IMECE2017-70124, Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2017, November 3-9, 2017, Tampa, Florida, USA.
- Jianyong Wang, Yunho Hwang*, Jiangfeng Wang, Yiping Dai, Optimal Control Strategy for A Low-temperature Solar Kalina Cycle Power Generation under Off-design Conditions, IMECE2017-70064, The ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2017, November 3-9, 2017, Tampa, Florida, USA.
- Nan Zheng, Yunho Hwang*, Li Zhao, Thermodynamic Performance Assessment of R32 and R1234yf Mixtures as Alternatives of R410A, 12th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Paper ID O.4.1.2, May 2017.
- Ye Tao, Yunho Hwang*, Chunsheng Wang, Reinhard Radermacher, The Integration of Ammonia Electrochemical Compressor in Vapor Compression System, 12th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Paper ID O.4.9.1, May 2017.
- Xiaojie Lin, Yunho Hwang*, Reinhard Radermacher, Byungsoon Kim, Performance of Chilled Water Storage Assisted Variable Refrigerant Flow System, 12th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Paper ID O.1.2.2, May 2017.
- Yunho Hwang*, Reinhard Radermacher, Bao Yang, Novel Microemulsion Absorption Cooling Cycle, International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2017, AB-SY3-1149, Aug. 7-10, 2017, Tokyo, Japan, August 7-10, 2017.
- Lin, X., Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, B. Kim, 2017, A New Control Strategy for Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems, Proceedings of The Third IBPSA-Italy Conference on Building Simulation Applications, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, February 2017.
- Aute, V., 2016, A Review of State of the Art in Modeling of Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Exchangers for HVAC&R Applications , Purdue Conferences 2016.
- Beshr, Mohamed; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard, 2016, Optimization of a Residential Air Source Heat Pump using Heat Exchangers with Small Diameter Tubes, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Beshr, Mohamed; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard, 2016, Steady State Modeling of Advanced Vapor Compression Systems with Multiple Air and Refrigerant Loops, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Mehendale, Sunil (1); Li, Zhenning (2); Aute, Vikrant (2), 2016, Refrigerant Circuit Optimization of Dual-mode Single-Row Microchannel Heat Exchangers used for R410A Heat Pumps, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Dangelo, Jose Vicente Hallak (1); Araujo, Hugo Valenca de (1); Ling, Jiazhen (2); Aute, Vikrant (2); Radermacher, Reinhard (2), 2016, Performance Analysis of a Vapor Injection Cycle with Flash Tank Using a Low-GWP Inorganic Blend Refrigerant, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Bacellar, Daniel; Aute, Vikrant; Huang, Zhiwei; Radermacher, Reinhard, 2016, Novel Airside Heat Transfer Surface Designs Using an Integrated Multi-Scale Analysis with Topology and Shape Optimization, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Bacellar, Daniel; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard, 2016, Airside Performance Correlations and Optimal Heat Pump Heat Exchanger Designs Based on 0.5mm-2mm Finless Round Tube Bundles, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Bacellar, Daniel; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard, 2016, Wavy Fin Profile Optimization Using NURBS for Air-To-Refrigerant Tube-Fin Heat Exchangers with Small Diameter Tubes, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Bacellar, Daniel; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard, 2016, CFD-Based Correlation Development for Air Side Performance of Wavy Fin Tube Heat Exchangers using Small Diameter Tubes, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Dhumane, Rohit; Du, Yilin; Ling, Jiazhen; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard, 2016, Transient Modeling of a Thermosiphon based Air Conditioner with Compact Thermal Storage: Modeling and Validation, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Bhanot, Viren; Ling, Jiazhen; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard, 2016, Simulink Based Transient Modeling of a Flash Tank vapor Injection System and Experimental Validation, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Bacellar, Daniel; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard, 2016, Performance Evaluation Criteria & Utility Function for Analysis of Compact Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Exchangers, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Eldeeb, Radia; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard, 2016, Investigation of Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics of Pillow Plate Heat Exchangers Using CFD, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Eldeeb, Radia; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard, 2016, An Improved Approach for Modeling Plate Heat Exchangers Based on Successive Substitution in Alternating Flow Directions, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Shabtay, Yoram (1); Huang, Zhiwei (2); Aute, Vikrant (2); Sharma, Vishaldeep (3); Radermacher, Reinhard (2), 2016, Manufacturing & Testing of Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Exchangers Based on 0.8mm Diameter Tubes, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Dhumane, Rohit (1); Ling, Jiazhen (1); Aute, Vikrant (1); Radermacher, Reinhard (1); Mikkilineni, Aravind (2); Bingham, Philip (2), 2016, Transient Multiphysics modeling of a robotic personal air-conditioning device, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Aute, Vikrant (1); Martin, Cara (2), 2016, A Comprehensive Evaluation of Regression Uncertainty and the Effect of Sample Size on the AHRI-540 Method of Compressor Performance Representation, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Sarpotdar, Shekhar (1); Nasuta, Dennis (1); Aute, Vikrant (1,2), 2016, CFD Based Comparison of Slit Fin and Louver Fin Performance for Small Diameter (3mm to 5 mm) Heat Exchangers, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Sarpotdar, Shekhar (1); Nasuta, Dennis (1); Aute, Vikrant (1,2), 2016, CFD-Based Airside Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Correlation Development for Small Diameter (3 mm to 5 mm) Louver Fin Heat Exchangers, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Huang, Zhiwei; Ling, Jiazhen; Hwang, Yunho; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard, , 2016, Design and Numerical Parametric Study of Fractal Heat Exchanger, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Huang, Zhiwei; Hwang, Yunho; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard,, 2016, Review of Fractal Heat Exchangers, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Tetzloff, Roger (1); Aute, Vikrant (2); Li, Song (3); Martin, Cara (3), 2016, An Evaluation of a Pressure Expansion Method for the Manufacturing of Copper Tube Heat Exchangers, Purdue Conference 2016.
- Mohamed Beshr, John Bush, Vikrant Aute, Reinhard Radermacher, 2016, Steady state testing and modeling of a CO2 two-stage refrigeration system with mechanical subcooler, 12th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids, Edinburgh, August 2016.
- Sunil S. Mehendale, Vikrant Aute, Reinhard Radermacher, 2016, Optimization of pass arrangements for microchannel heat pump condensers using isobutane,12th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids, Edinburgh, August 2016.
- Tao, C., Hwang, Y., Radermacher, R., Development of an Optimization Framework for Micro-grid Energy Conversion Systems, The ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Phoenix AZ, IMECE2016-65371, November 11-17, 2016.
- Kennett, R., Hwang, Y., Radermacher, R., Evaluation of an Extended-Duct Air Delivery System in Tall Spaces Conditioned by Rooftop Units, The ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Phoenix AZ, IMECE2016-65523, November 11-17, 2016.
- Du, Y., J. Muehlbauer, J. Ling, V. Aute, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Rechargeable Personal Air-conditioning Device, ASME 2016 10th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, PowerEnergy2016-59253, June 26-30, 2016, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
- Qian, S., Y. Geng, Y. Wang, J. Ling, J. Muehlbauer, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Ichiro Takeuchi, DEVELOPMENT OF ELASTOCALORIC COOLING TECHNOLOGY, The 12th Gustav Lorentzen Natural Working Fluids Conference, Edinburgh, U.K., Paper ID 1013
- Tao, Ye; Lee, Hoseong; Hwang, Yunho; Radermacher, Reinhard, C. Wang, EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON ELECTROCHEMICAL AMMONIA COMPRESSOR, The 12th Gustav Lorentzen Natural Working Fluids Conference, Edinburgh, U.K., Paper ID 1016.
- Tao, Ye; Lee, Hoseong; Hwang, Yunho; Radermacher, Reinhard, Performance Investigation on Electrochemical Compressor with Ammonia, 23rd International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 11380, 07/14/2016.
- Zheng, Nan; Lee, Hoseong; Hwang, Yunho; Radermacher, Reinhard; Zhao, Li, Theoretical Study on Multi-stage Cycles with Zeotropic Mixtures, 16th Int. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 22378, 07/14/2016.
- Huang, Zhiwei; Hwang, Yunho; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard, Review of Fractal Heat Exchangers, 16th Int. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 22384, 07/14/2016.
- Huang, Zhiwei; Ling, Jiazhen; Hwang, Yunho; Aute, Vikrant; Radermacher, Reinhard, Review of Fractal Heat Exchangers, 16th Int. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 22381, 07/14/2016.
- Lin, Xiaojie; Lee, Hoseong; Hwang, Yunho; Radermacher, Reinhard, Control Technology of Heat Pump and Air Conditioning System for Thermal Comfort, 16th Int. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 22386, 07/14/2016.
- Troch, Sarah; Lee, Hoseong; Hwang, Yunho; Radermacher, Reinhard, Harmonization of Life Cycle Climate Performance (LCCP) Methodology, 16th Int. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 22382, 07/14/2016.
- Qian, Suxin; Wang, Yi Geng, Yunlong; Ling, Jiazhen; Hwang, Yunho; Muehlbauer, Jan; Radermacher, Reinhard; Takeuchi, Ichiro, Experimental Evaluation of Compressive Elastocaloric Cooling System, 16th Int. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 22385, 07/14/2016.
- Qian, S., Ling, J., Hwang, Y., Radermacher, R., Takeuchi, I., Modeling and optimization of a novel heat recovery design for thermoelastic cooling systems, The ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, TX, IMECE2014-52624, November 13-19, 2015.
- Li, M., Y. Du, H. Lee, Y. Hwang, R., Radermacher, T. Johnson, A. Kariya, Potential of Sandia Cooler Working as Condenser in Refrigerator, Int. Congress of Refrigeration, Yokohama, Japan, Paper No. 0629, 08/2015.
- Qian, S., Y. Wu, J. Ling, J. Muehlbauer, Y. Hwang, I. Takeuchi, R., Radermacher, Design, development and testing of a thermoelastic cooling prototype, Int. Congress of Refrigeration, Yokohama, Japan, Paper No. 0092, 08/2015.
- Alabdulkarem, A., J. Muehlbauer, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Self-sufficient Photovoltaic Powered Chiller for Dairy Applications, ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Diego, ESFuelCell2015-49027, June 28-July 2, 2015.
- Alabdulkarem, A., M. Cristiano, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Separate Sensible and Latent Cooling Packaged Terminal Air Conditioning Unit, ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Diego, ESFuelCell2015-49065, June 28-July 2, 2015.
- Qian, S., Alabdulkarem, A., M. Cristiano, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Study on performance improvement of a compressive thermoelastic cooling system using single objective optimization, ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Diego, ESFuelCell2015-49745, June 28-July 2, 2015.
- Bacellar, D., Aute, V., Radermacher, R., Verification & Validation of CFD Models Used in Automated Simulations Applied to Novel Air Heat Transfer Surfaces Optimization, ASME V&V Symposium, 2016, Las Vegas, NV.
- Bacellar, D., Aute, V., Radermacher, R., A Method for Air-To-Refrigerant Heat Exchanger Multi-Scale Analysis and Optimization with Tube Shape Parameterization, 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, – Yokohama, Japan, August 16 – 22, 2015.
- Qian, S., Ling, J., Hwang, Y., Radermacher, R., Takeuchi, I., Modeling and optimization of a novel heat recovery design for thermoelastic cooling systems, The ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, TX, IMECE2014-52624, November 13-19, 2015.
- Li, M., Y. Du, H. Lee, Y. Hwang, R., Radermacher, T. Johnson, A. Kariya, Potential of Sandia Cooler Working as Condenser in Refrigerator, Int. Congress of Refrigeration, Yokohama, Japan, Paper No. 0629, 08/2015.
- Qian, S., Y. Wu, J. Ling, J. Muehlbauer, Y. Hwang, I. Takeuchi, R., Radermacher, Design, development and testing of a thermoelastic cooling prototype, Int. Congress of Refrigeration, Yokohama, Japan, Paper No. 0092, 08/2015.
- Alabdulkarem, A., J. Muehlbauer, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Self-sufficient Photovoltaic Powered Chiller for Dairy Applications, ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Diego, ESFuelCell2015-49027, June 28-July 2, 2015.
- Alabdulkarem, A., M. Cristiano, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Separate Sensible and Latent Cooling Packaged Terminal Air Conditioning Unit, ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Diego, ESFuelCell2015-49065, June 28-July 2, 2015.
- Qian, S., Alabdulkarem, A., M. Cristiano, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Study on performance improvement of a compressive thermoelastic cooling system using single objective optimization, ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Diego, ESFuelCell2015-49745, June 28-July 2, 2015.
- Cao, T., J. Ling, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Development of A Novel Two-Stage Heat Pump Clothes Dryer, The ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, IMECE2014-36048, November 14-20, 2014.
- Lee, H. Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Performance Investigation of Saturation Cycle with CO2 and R290, 11th IIR Gustave Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants, Paper No. 41, 08/2014.
- Li, Gang. A. Alabdulkarem, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Drop in Life Cycle Climate Performance of Low GWP R-410A Alternatives for Heat Pumps, 11th IIR Gustave Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants, Paper No. 41, 08/2014.
- Popli, S., H. Lee, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Visualization of Evaporatively Cooled Heat Exchanger Wetted Fin Area, 15th Int. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 2143, 07/14/2014.
- Qian, S., J. Ling, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Dynamic performance of a compression thermoelastic cooling air-conditioner under cyclic operation mode, 15th Int. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 2244, 07/14/2014.
- Alabdulkarem, A., H. Lee, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Evaluation and Soft-Optimization for R410A Low-GWP Replacement Candidates through Testing and Simulation (2256), 15th Int. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 2256, 07/14/2014.
- Lin, X., H. Lee, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, B. Kim, Experimental Investigation of Multi-Functional Variable Refrigerant Flow System, 15th Int. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper No. 2375, 07/14/2014.
- Cao, T., H., Lee, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Modeling of Hybrid Cooling Systems for Shipboard Application, ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Boston, ESFuelCell2014-6303, June29-July 2, 2014.
- Ling, J., Y. Hwang*, V. Aute, R. Radermacher, Development of a Control Strategy to Maximize System Performance for Heat Pump Systems, 11th IEA Heat Pump Conference, O.3.8.3, Montreal, Canada, 05/2014.
- Lin, X., H. Lee, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, J. Kwon and C. Kwon, Experimental Investigation of Desiccant Wheel Assisted MAC System, SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, Paper No. 2014-01-0689, April 8-10, 2014.
- Ling, J., M. Eiseler, H. Qiao, V. Aute, Y. Hwang*, and R. Radermacher, Transient Modeling and Validation of an Automotive Secondary Loop Air-Conditioning System, SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, Paper No. 2014-01-0647, April 8-10, 2014.
- Li, G., Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Investigation of Adsorption Cold Storage for Residential Application, Int. Sorption Heat Pump Conference, College Park, MD., Paper No. 013, March 30-April 2, 2014.
- Qian, S., J. Hartsog, K. Gluesenkampc, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Performance of Trigeneration Systems with Adsorption Heat Pump Under Various Climates Int. Sorption Heat Pump Conference, College Park, MD., Paper No. 013, March 30-April 2, 2014.
- Alabdulkarem, A., Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Evaluation of Alterative Refrigerant Candidates for R410A through Testing and Simulation, ASHRAE 2014 Winter Meeting Paper No. 12247, 01/2014.
- Al-Alili, A., Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Experimental Investigation of a Hybrid Air Conditioner for Hot and Humid Climates, ASHRAE 2014 Winter Meeting Paper No. 12247, 01/2014.
- Popli, S., Y. Hwang, and R. Radermacher. 2013. Performance Enhancement of Enhanced Herringbone Wavy-Fin Round Tube Inclined Heat Exchangers with and without Hydrophilic Coating Using Spray and Deluge Cooling. Accepted for publication in ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, San Diego, CA.
- Raphael Mandel, Amir Shooshtari; Serguei Dessiatoun; Michael Ohadi, STREAMLINE MODELING OF MANIFOLD MICROCHANNELS IN THIN FILM EVAPORATION, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, July 14-19, 2013, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Harish Ganapathy, Amir Shooshtari, Serguei Dessiatoun, Mohamed Alshehhi, and Michael Ohadi, "Experimental Investigation of Advanced Microscale Reactors For Enhanced Carbon Capture And Natural Gas Sweetening Applications", Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, July 14-19, 2013, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- David Boyea, Serguei Dessiatoun, Amir Shooshtari, and Michael Ohadi, "Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of a Liquid Cooled Manifold Microgroove Condenser", Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, July 14-19, 2013, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Abdullah Alabdulkarem, "Waste Heat Recovery Using Absorption Chiller in LNG Plant With CO2 Capturing Plant", Proceddings of the ASHRAE Summer Conference Denver, June 2013.
- Abdullah Alabdulkarem, "Drop-In Performance Evaluation of Three Alternative Refrigerant Candidates for R-410A", Proceedings of the ASHRAE Summer Conference, Denver, June 2013.
- Suxin Qian, "Separate Sensible and Latent Cooling in Trigeneration Systems", Proceedings of the ASHRAE Summer Conference, Denver, June 2013.
- Harish Ganapathy, Amir Shooshtari, Serguei Dessiatoun, Mohamed Alshehhi, Michael M. Ohadi, “Enhanced carbon capture in a multiport microscale absorber,” Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 15-21, 2013.
- Harish Ganapathy, Amir Shooshtari, Serguei Dessiatoun, Mohamed Alshehhi, Michael M. Ohadi, “High Efficiency Carbon Capture Technology Utilizing Advanced Micro-Structured Surfaces,” Carbon Management Technology Conference, Alexandria, VA, October 21-23, 2013.
- Popli, S., Y. Hwang, and R. Radermacher. 2012a. Enhancement of Round Tube Heat Exchanger Performance Using Deluge Water Cooling- Paper #2331, 14th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, West Lafayette, IN, USA, July 2012, pp. 16–19.
- Popli, S., Y. Hwang, and R. Radermacher. 2012b. Experimental Investigation of Flat Tube-Louver Fin Heat Exchanger Performance Working as a Condenser in Dry and Wet Condition, Paper #85884, ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, TX, November 2012, pp. 9–15.
- Hwang, Y.*, CO2 Transcritical Vapor Compression Cycle with Thermoelectric Subcooler, ASHRAE Winter Meeting, Dallas, TX, 2013.
- Hwang, Y.*, Application of Thermoelectric Modules for Vapor Injection Heat Pump System Under Cold Climate Operation, ASHRAE Winter Meeting, Dallas, TX, 2013.
- Hwang, Y.*, Plenary Presentation: IIR Working Party on Life Cycle Climate Performance Evaluation, Refrigerants Review, Round 2, September 24-25, 2012, Dubai, U.A.E.
- Al-Alili, A., Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Experimental Investigation of a Hybrid Air Conditioner for Hot and Humid Climates, The ASME 2012 6th International Conference on Energy Sustainability & 10th Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, July 23-26, 2012, San Diego, CA, USA.
- Eisele, M., Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Transient Performance Evaluation of Automotive Secondary Loop Systems with Low-GWP Fluids, ASHRAE Annual Meeting, San Antonio, 2012.
- Popli, S., Y. Hwang, and R. Radermacher. 2012a. Enhancement of Round Tube Heat Exchanger Performance Using Deluge Water Cooling- Paper #2331. 14th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, West Lafayette, IN, USA, July, pp. 16–19.
- Hwang, Y.*, R. Radermacher, Water/LiBr Absorption System Assisted Vapor Compression System for High Ambient Temperatures, ASHRAE Annual Meeting, San Antonio, 2012.
- Harish Ganapathy, Amir Shooshtari, Kyosung Choo, Serguei Dessiatoun, Mohamed Alshehhi, Michael M. Ohadi, “Numerical analysis of condensation of R134a in a single microchannel,” Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Houston, TX, November 9-15, 2012.
- Xu, X., Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, CFD Modeling of Two-Phase Fluid Separation in A Flash Tank Used In a Vapor Injection Heat Pump Cycle Control Strategy, IEA Heat Pump Conference, No. 00225, 08/2011.
- Ling, J., O. Kuwabara, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Enhancement Options for Separate Sensible and Latent Cooling Air-Conditioning Systems, International Congress of Refrigeration, Paper No. 708, Czech Republic, 08/21/2011
- Okuma, T.*, R. Radermacher, Y. Hwang, A Novel Application of Thermoelectric Modules to an HVAC System under Cold Climate Operation, The 30th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Traverse City, Michigan, USA, 07/2011.
- Eisele, M., Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Small-Scale Dynamic Test Facility for Automotive Thermal Management Systems, Vehicle Thermal Management Systems (VTMS) 10 Conference, pp. 523-535, Birmingham, U.K., 05/19/2011.
- Gluesenkamp, K.*, C. Horvath, R. Radermacher, Y. Hwang, Air-cooled, Single Effect, Waste Heat-driven Water/LiBr Absorption System for High Ambient Temperatures, International Sorption Conference (ISHPC11), pp. 135-144, Padua, Italy, 04/08/2011.
- Gluesenkamp, K., R. Radermacher, Y. Hwang*, Crystallization Inhibitors for Water/LiBr Absorption Chillers, International Sorption Conference (ISHPC11), pp. 145-154, Padua, Italy, 04/08/2011.
- Gluesenkamp, K.*, R. Radermacher, Y. Hwang, Preliminary Design of a Low Regeneration Temperature Residential Adsorption Chiller, International Sorption Conference (ISHPC11), pp. 615-624, Padua, Italy, 04/08/2011.
- Ma, Y.*, B. Zhang, Y.H. Hwang, X.Y. Peng, and Z.W. Xing, Research and Development of a Semi-hermetic Reciprocating Compressor for Transcritical CO2Refrigeration Cycle, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.225, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, pp.101-113, 02/2011.
- Xu, X., Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, CFD Modeling of Two-Phase Fluid Separation in A Flash Tank Used In a Vapor Injection Heat Pump Cycle Control Strategy, IEA Heat Pump Conference, No. 00225, 08/2011.
- Ling, J., O. Kuwabara, Y. Hwang*, R. Radermacher, Enhancement Options for Separate Sensible and Latent Cooling Air-Conditioning Systems, International Congress of Refrigeration, Paper No. 708, Czech Republic, 08/21/2011, V. 36, 03/2013, pp. 892-903.
- Harish Ganapathy, Ebrahim Al-Hajri, Michael M. Ohadi, “Analysis of Taylor flow in microchannels by the phase field method,” Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Denver, CO, November 11-17, 2011.
- Harish Ganapathy, Ebrahim Al-Hajri, Michael M. Ohadi, “Numerical simulation of mass transfer characteristics in a Taylor flow microreactor,” Proceedings of the ASME 9th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, Edmonton, Canada, June 19-22, 2011.
- Harish Ganapathy, Ebrahim Al-Hajri, Michael M. Ohadi, “Phase field method for simulation of multiphase flow,” Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Denver, CO, November 11-17, 2011.
- DeCaluwe, S.C., Zhang, C., Eichhorn, B.W., and Jackson, G.S., (2010) “Evaluating H2O Electrolysis on Ceria with Thin-Film Electrodes”, Ionic and Mixed Conducting Ceramics 7, ECS Transactions Vol. 28(11), pp. 347-356; presented at 217th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Vancouver, Canada, May 2010.
- Jackson, G. S., Hearn, P. L., Tesluk, C. J., Habibzadeh, B., Lyubovsky, M., Bhargav, A., Young, I.R., Long, L., and Mase, D., “Influence of System Architecture in Achieving Low Cost and Efficient PEM Fuel Cell Systems”, Fuel Cell Seminar, Paper # DEM32-3, San Antonio, TX, October 2010.
- Zhang, C., DeCaluwe, S.C., Grass, M.E., Liu, Z., Bluhm, H., Hussain, Z., Jackson, G.S., and Eichhorn, B.W., “In situ spectroscopic measurements of local potentials and electrochemically active regions on operating solid oxide cells”, ECS Transactions, presented at 218th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 2010.
- Holton, M.M., Gokulakrishnan, P., Klassen, M.S., Roby, R.J., and Jackson, G.S. (2009), "Autoignition Delay Time Measurements of Methane, Ethane, and Propane Pure Fuels and Methane-based Fuel Blends", presented at ASME International Gas Turbine Institute Turbo Expo 2009, Orlando, FL, June 2009.
- Hu, J.E., Liu, Z., Eichhorn, B.W., and Jackson, G.S., “Nano-architectured Pt-Mo anode electrocatalyst for high CO-tolerance in PEM Fuel Cells”, ECS Transactions, 19(31), 1, 2009, presented at 215th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, May 2009.
- Hu, J.E., Pearlman, J.B., Bhargav, A., and Jackson. G.S., “Impact of Increased Anode CO Tolerance on Performance of Hydrocarbon-fueled PEM Fuel Cell Systems”, ASME Paper # FUELCELL-2009-85185, presented at ASME 7th International Fuel Cell Science, Engineering, and Technology Conference, Newport Beach, CA, June 2009.
- Patel, S., Jawlik, P.F., and Jackson. G.S., “Effects of Ceria Addition on Ni/YSZ Anodes for SOFC’s Operating with Syngas and n-Butane”, ASME Paper # FUELCELL-2009-85090, presented at ASME 7th International Fuel Cell Science, Engineering, and Technology Conference, Newport Beach, CA, June 2009.
- McDaniel, A.H., El Gabaly, F., Akhadov, E., Farrow, R.L., McCarty, K.F., Linne, M.A., DeCaluwe, S.C., Zhang, C., Eichhorn, B.W., Jackson, G.S., Liu, Z., Grass, M., Hussain, Z., and Bluhm, H. (2009), “In Situ Investigation of SOFC Patterned Electrodes Using Ambient-Pressure X-ray”, SOFC XI, ECS Transactions Vol. 25(2), pp. 335-343; presented at 216th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Vienna, Austria, October 2009.
- Reihani, S.S. and Jackson, G.S. (2008) “Catalytic Partial Oxidation of n-Butane over Rh Catalysts for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Applications”, 7th International Workshop on Catalytic Combustion, Pfaffikon, Switzerland, October 2008.
- DeCaluwe, S.C., Sukeshini, A.M., and Jackson, G.S. (2009), “Experimental Characterization of Thin-film Ceria Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes”, Solid-State Ionic Devices 6, ECS Transactions, Vol. 16(51) pp. 253-251; presented at 214th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, HI, October 2008.
- DeCaluwe, S.C., Jackson, G.S., Farrow, R.L., McDaniel, A.H., El Gabaly, F., McCarty, K.F., Linne, M.A., Bluhm, H., Newberg, J.T., Liu, Z., and Hussain, Z. (2009), “In Situ XPS for Evaluating Ceria Oxidation States in SOFC Anodes”, Solid-State Ionic Devices 6, ECS Transactions, Vol. 16(51) pp. 253-263; presented at 214th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, HI, October 2008.
- Maxey, C., Jackson. G.S., Reihani, S.S., DeCaluwe, S.C., Patel, S., Veeraragavan, A., and Cadou, C.P, “Integration of Catalytic Combustion and Heat Recovery with Meso-Scale Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System”, ASME Paper # IMECE-2008-67040, presented at IMECE-2008, Boston, MA, November 2008.
- Habibzadeh, B., Sukeshini, A.M., and Jackson, G.S., “CO Electrochemical Oxidation on Ni Patterned Anodes for Assessing Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Kinetics”, Solid-State Ionic Devices 5, ECS Transactions, Vol. 11(33) pp. 53-61; presented at the 212th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Washington, DC, October 2007.
- DeCaluwe, S.C., Zhu, H.., and Jackson, G.S., “The Predicted Effects of Anode Microstructure on SOFC Overpotentials”, Solid-State Ionic Devices 5, ECS Transactions, Vol. 11(33) pp. 37-51; presented at the 212th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Washington, DC, October 2007.
- Bhargav, A., Pearlman, J.B., Shields, E.B., Reihani, S.S., Jackson, G.S., and Hearn, P, “PEM Fuel Cell System Modeling with Liquid Fuel Processing and Hydrogen Membranes”, Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells-VI, ECS Transactions, Vol. 3(1) pp. 1139-1148; presented at the 210th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Cancun, October 2006.