2025 Host:

University of Maryland

College Park, Maryland, USA

July 20 - August 1, 2025

This course is offered in rotation between the University of Maryland, the Technical University of Hamburg (Germany), Korea University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China), and Waseda University (Japan). 


Course Objectives

  • Understand technologies for sustainable energy production, conversion and utilization.
  • Understand limitations and opportunities.
  • Gain experience in challenges and opportunities in designing sustainable energy systems.
  • Develop your own vision for a future sustainable energy scenario.

How to Apply

Details for the Summer 2025 program will be announced soon. For more information, contact CEEE Director Reinhard Radermacher.

Students work together on group projects and relax together on the evenings and weekends. 

2025 - University of Maryland, USA

2023 - Waseda University, Japan

2019 - Korea University, South Korea

2018 - Technical University of Hamburg, Germany

2017 - University of Maryland Learn more.



Instructors are faculty members from each of the five participating universities, including

Dr. Reinhard Radermacher is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Center for Environmental Energy Engineering,  University of Maryland, USA. 

Dr. Yunho Hwang is a Research Professor of Mechanical Engineering and a Co-Director of the Center for Environmental Energy Engineering at the University of Maryland, USA.



