The Center for Environmental Energy Engineering is a leader in research and education in environmentally responsible, economically feasible integrated energy conversion systems for buildings and transportation. Research focuses in particular on air-conditioning, refrigeration and heat pumping and integrated cooling heating and power systems.

The Center also provides software for the design and analysis of such systems with integrated optimization capabilities for lowest cost and best performance. The center operates three consortia based on the research pursued by each group. The consortia are:

Background Mission

Engine ContestCEEE provides innovative solutions to industry's research and development challenges and cost-effective, timely technology transfer. CEEE has developed a highly flexible and task-oriented consortium structure that emphasizes pre-competitive research. Sponsors include industrial companies and government agencies that pool research funds leveraged by additional support from the University of Maryland.

Consortium projects assist sponsors in developing tomorrow’s products through:

  • Background information to guide sponsors' strategic technology decisions.
  • Research and development of new components and systems.
  • User-friendly, task-oriented simulation and optimization tools.
  • Education of next generation of engineering professionals.

Projects are carefully designed to ensure that research results enable sponsors to strengthen their competitive positions.

Through its graduate education program, CEEE also educates a new generation of creative, team-oriented engineering professionals who will be future leaders in their fields.

Our Vision

CEEE’s vision is to excel in R&D of lean and green energy conversion systems. ‘Lean and green’ describes energy conversion systems that:

  • Use the least amount of material
  • Are highly energy-efficient
  • Are cost-effective
  • Have minimal impact on the environment

We conduct extensive experimental and theoretical research, exploring and developing new ideas in energy conversion. The results are made available in the form of reports and publications, and through user-friendly, verified and validated software that comes with built-in optimization capability. The software can, on its own, search systematically for the lowest-cost systems and components that require the least amount of material and/or are highly energy-efficient.


  • Alternative Cooling Technology Integration
  • Air-Conditioning, Heat Pumping & Refrigeration Systems
  • Conventional & Alternative Refrigerants and/or Approaches
  • Dynamic Performance of Refrigeration Systems
  • Heat Exchange Technology
  • Compressor Technology
  • Energy Conversion Systems
  • System Integration
  • Enhanced Heat & Mass Transfer
  • Quantitative Flow Visualization Thermophysical Properties

For More Information

Contact Yunho Hwang, Associate Director.